Saturday’s in the Summer

Saturday’s in the Summer

Hey Guys, It’s almost 11 on Saturday night here on the east coast, I’m tired and I have a headache, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna miss a day of summer vacation.

I figured I’d write something quick to talk about Saturday’s in the summer.  I can go into more detail as our vacation rolls on, but for now lets talk a typical Saturday for a young RK.

You’d think being off every day would make the weekend meaningless, but that wasn’t the case at all.  My parents worked Monday through Friday, and if we had any hope of day trips, and doing fun things that required a ride my parents either had to take a vacation day or we waited for the weekend.  

Mornings were typical. Big bowl of cereal, maybe some Fox Kids, but if we already saw that X-Men, or Bobby’s world, we’d be outside immediately.   

It’s 10am on Saturday in late June.  Let’s get the bikes.  

If a lot of the neighborhood kids were out, we might go down to the little league field and either play wiffle ball or kickball.  If it was REALLY hot, my best friend and I might have gone in his above ground pool.   A trip to the Texaco gas station mini-mart was definitely a possibility, but with this heat, I know exactly what we need.  The bike ride is going to stretch the limits of to where we were allowed to ride our bikes, but that’s what the summer was for.  When I was about 11 or 12, Rita’s Italian Ice moved into the neighborhood, and that was the perfect crew for this summer heat.


The rules went as follows: NEVER ride across a busy street, always hop off the bike and walk it across. ALWAYS go in a group, never go alone.  And ALWAYS, and this is the most important rule, stop at the playground that was halfway between our house and the Rita’s, for a quick swing.


If we were lucky, one of our dads would fire up the grill and put some dogs on.  Hot dogs and Herr’s potatoes chips were the meal of kings in the summer.  Washed down with some Huggs juice barrels and you’ve got the makings of an amazing summer Saturday.

That’s all I have about Saturday for now, but we’ll talk road trips on Saturday, and what to do in case of a rainy day emergency as the Rad Years Summer Vacation rolls on. 


Tell me your Saturday bike riding stories in the comments below, and we’ll talk tomorrow! 


Summer Cereal Review

Summer Cereal Review

Friday Nights.

Friday Nights.