Summer Cereal Review

Summer Cereal Review

​So it’s a lazy summer Sunday, and if you’re on the east coast of the USA, it’s a HOT one.  Temperatures hit triple digits here in Pennsylvania, and we spent the day drinking cold beers that got warm fast at a Pennsylvania Dutch folk festival, the Kutztown Folk Festival that is.  If you’re a fan of turkey BBQ, Lebanon bologna, pickled ring bologna, hot bacon dressing and sausage sandwhiches, this is the place for you.  It’s mainly a craft fair, and while I’m a fan of artisanal hair pomades, Enchantress and I are both fans of artisanal soaps and care products.  We bought some great smelling goat milk soap and lotion.   I had a proper PA Dutch root beer and we watched some square dancing until it was just too hot to be outside.  BUT before we did all that, we had a proper summer Sunday morning, and by that I mean we ate a bunch of new cereals. 

I remember as a kid, new breakfast cereals were a major event.  ​The one I remember being most excited for was Kellogg’s Cinnamon Mini Buns.  They were sold as the breakfast cereal version of delicious cinnamon buns.  We eventually got my mom to cave and buy them for us, but they weren’t as good as we thought they would be.   

This summer, heck this year, has seen the release of TONS of new cereals.  I got my hands on some of the new summer ones, but not all of them.  I had Enchantress help me review, enjoy:​

1) Peanut Butter & Cocoa Pebbles.​


​These had me most excited because I LOVE cocoa pebbles and I LOVE peanut butter.  Upon opening the box, there was an amazing peanut butter scent.  We poured some in a bowl and the dry look wasn’t as nice as fruity pebbles or plain cocoa pebbles, but still.  We poured some milk on those bad boys, and tried them.  Sadly, there wasn’t that strong of a taste to them, and we both agreed that coca and fruity pebbles are both better on their own.  Eating them dry though, they have a much better peanut butter taste.

We give these a ​B- ​great box art work, but almost no flavor when paired with milk


2) Wild Berry Froot Loops​


I LOVED the box artwork for these, a very cool mixup of Froot Loops, and I was expecting them to kind of taste like Froot Loops, but boy were we wrong.  Upon opening the bag we were hit with a STRONG berry smell, and they had a real good berry taste, very different from regular Froot Loops.  I liked them, but not enough to eat them all the time.  Enchantress thought these were her least favorite.

​We give them a ​B ​mainly for mixing up traditional Froot Loops


3) Cinnamon Oat Crunch Cheerios​


I bought the spring seasonal Peach Cheerios and have yet to give them a try,  but I was very excited to get these and try them.  Opening the bag let our a strong toasted cinnamon flavor, they looked great in the box and the bowl.  We hit them with milk and gave them a try and WOW these are DELICIOUS.  They’re not too sweet, but just sweet enough and have a hearty crunch to them.  I could eat these every morning, and I just might.  Last year I bought the seasonal Strawberry Cheerios and wound up eating them every morning.  I assume they’re going to beat out our next cereal when it comes to strawberry seasonal.​

We give them an ​A+   These are REALLY that good​


4)Strawberry Life


So I mentioned above I didn’t think these would be as good as last years Strawberry Cheerios, and upon opening​ the bag, and first smelling them, I thought I was right.  Dry taste test, still thought I was right.  Then we added milk and it REALLY brought out the flavor, they were soooooo delicious.  In fact, Enchantress ranked these her favorite out of all the cereals we tried.  I missed the pumpkin spice Life, but had the winter gingerbread Life and wasn’t too impressed, but I would suggest giving these a try.

We give them an ​A for being really delicious and strawberry​


​BONUS) Blueberry Pancake Captain Crunch


Last summer,  the only cereal I wanted was​ Blueberry Pancake Captain Crunch and every time I tried to find it, I came up empty.  No luck!  I thought my time to get this has passed and I was never meant to try it.  Well a few weeks ago, we went to Walmart to try and find Peanut Butter & Cocoa Pebbles, and not only did we get the last box of those, but in some random aisle, we saw this sad, kind of crushed box of Blueberry Pancake Captain Crunch sitting there.  It was a sign from the cereal gods! I wasn’t going to leave without that box, I didn’t care that it expired in a 2 months, this was my chance.  We opened it and they smell EXACTLY LIKE BLUBERRY PANCAKES.  We poured a bowl, hit it with milk and gave it a try and it tasted like bluberry pancakes and Captain Crunch.  Very sweet, but so delicious. This was so worth the kind of crushed box.

We give them an ​A for being exactly what they’re sold as, and soooo good. ​


If I had to recommend one of these to ABSOLUTELY try, it’s the cinnamon oat Cheerios, but why not give them all a try.  Breakfast cereal is one of the only time portals you can buy in a supermarket.  Put the YouTube app on your TV and load up some old Saturday morning cartoons, and chow away on a big bowl of your favorite SUGARY good stuff.  I guarantee you’ll be taken back to a better time in your life, when Summer Vacations were legendary and lasted forever. ​

What was your favorite breakfast cereal when you were a kind?  Did you have a summer favorite also?  Let us know in the comments below and I’ll talk to you tomorrow on the Rad Years Summer Vacation!​


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