25 Days of Cereal Day 15: Chocolate Frosted Flakes with Spooky Marshmallows
So after having a bowl of Pumpkin Spice Frosted Flakes the other days, I had a hankering for more Frosted Flakes. I had this years Halloween Frosted Flakes in my inventory so I decided to give it a try. It’s pretty much the same as they’ve been doing every years for Halloween, Chocolate Frosted Flakes with some Halloween themed marshmallows. The last few years have been skeleton pieces, but this year they changed the box art and the marshmallows. The Box art was a HUGE step forward, in a year when the Monster Cereals did nothing, Kelloggs stepped up their game!
as always, Olive is halper
Opening the bag, I got a distinct chocolate smell. Poured a bowl and hit it with milk. I was so excited, more delicious Frosted Flakes. With TONS of marshmallows because as you noticed, they’re all stacked on the top of the bag. I took a bite and ……. oh, that’s right, I don’t like these. The chocolate does not work, it just doesn’t. Frosted Flakes are amazing on their own, and with Pumpkin Spice, but with Chocolate, no! Maybe we should get a box of regular Frosted Flakes with Marshmallows and try those. MAYBE the Lucky Charms with Marshmallows? I have a few Christmas Cereals to end the season with, but those seem to be good choices leading up to them.
I give these a 3 out of 6 geese a-laying.