25 Days of Cereal Day 7: Donut Shop Pink Donut Cereal
When we were kids, my dad always liked to get Dunkin Donuts on Sunday’s after we went to church. He always got us Munchkins, and not many of them either. As kids, you crave any type of sugar you can get your hands on. Later on Dunkin released smaller versions of their regular donuts that they called Dunkin Minis. Dunkin hired Hervé Villechaize, best known for his role as Tattoo on Fantasy Island as their spokes person. Hervé would recite his famous line from the show in the commercial “De Plain De Plain” referring to a plain donut rather than an Airplane. Word play! I don’t know what made me so infatuated with anything that was miniaturized, but I bought it hook, line and sinker. My dad would cave and get us these Dunkin minis once or twice from what I can remember, but we always stuck with our mainstay, Munchkins. (I secretly was obsessed with the boxes)
that guy in the middle looks like he’s up to no good.
When I got a bit older, about 11 or 12, the Texaco gas station with a mini-mart that was behind our house got a Dunkin Donuts case. Now I was free to buy full size actual Dunkin Donuts whenever I wanted. I would treat this like a situation for me to act adult. I’d wake up early on weekends and summer days (which if you know me, you know is rare), and It’d peddle or walk back to the Texaco and pick out my donut for that moment and felt so Adult. Before, my parents were the middle man. I could request whatever I wanted till I was blue in the face, but I’d get what they wanted to get me. Now I was the decider.
I’m talking about Dunkin Donuts because the first donut cereal I remember is Dunkin Donuts Cereal by Ralston. There was a glazed flavor and a chocolate flavor, and I remember liking it a whole bunch.
Enter 2017’s Kelloggs Donut Shop Cereal. It took me a year to try this stuff, and I still haven’t tried the Chocolate version, but I must say, I was throughly impressed with the Pink Donut Flavor. It looks like Kelloggs used their Froot Loops base for these, and added a different flavor and color. The flavor is really good, almost like a vanilla cake. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.
I poured the requisite bowl and hit it was the requisite milk and really liked what I tasted. Sweet, but not too sweet. Good crunch just like Froot Loops, and great vanilla flavor.
I’d definitely recommend buying these
my final grad 9 out of 9 ladies dancing.