Unicorn Cereal: a review
There is defiantly something in the air with "unicorn" food things. I think the first big thing I remember is the Starbucks "Unicorn Frappacino".
Full disclosure, I don't drink coffee, so I never tried said drink, but once Kelloggs released a Unicorn cereal, I felt it was time to dive head first into the unicorn craze.
The box is ridiculous, in the best way possible. The cereal isn't bad but it's nothing spectacular. The flavor is listed as "Magical Cupcake" flavor. the taste is like fruit loops without the fruit flavoring if that makes sense? When you open the bag, you get a very strong vanilla cake smell, but it doesn't translate to the taste. There are little bits of sugar which I guess are "frosting" on the pieces. The cereal isn't bad, but I doubt it'll be around for long, so if it's still out there, grab a box.
Now, lets talk about old cereals I want back!
Ghostbusters Cereal
There is no cereal I yearn for more fondly than Ghostbusters cereal from Ralston. There was something magical about the taste of those little no ghost symbols broken up into fruit pieces and marshmallows. I'd love to have it back to taste just one more time. I find the closest I can get back to it is the Halloween edition Froot Loops with the Skeleton bones marshmallows. LOVED THIS CEREAL.
Ice Cream Cones Cereal
I loved this cereal, and from what I read, it was discontinued the same year it came out. Isn't it crazy how 1 year seems so much longer when you were a kid? I would have been 4 or 5 in 1987 when this came out, but I remember eating the free gumballs and bowls and bowls of this cereal. It felt like it was around for a long time, but only a year. General Mills re-introduced a "kind of version" of this in 2003, but it also didn't last long. Last summer, they came out with an Ice Cream Scoops version of Coco Puffs, which had chocolate, strawberry and vanilla puffs. A step closer, but I want the real thing!
S'mores Crunch
Now we all know there are a few different S'mores cereal on the market now. But none of them seem to bring back the memory of S'mores Crunch. This was like Golden Grahams on steroids. The Ultimate Warrior to the Hulk Hogan which is Golden Grahams. He was fun and great, but Hogan lasts forever, and we always wanted that old Warrior back, but will never get him.
Dino Pebbles (not pepples, what are pepples?)
The Pebbles line is a huge player in the cereal game, and now there are always some new flavored pebbles. But back in the day, we had fruity and coco, and that was IT. BUT THEN, then came Dino Pebbles, which were regular sweetened rice, with little dinosaur marshmallows. It didn't last long, and I swear I saw bag of just the dinosaur marshmallows being sold at the 99 cent store a few years later, but this cereal wasn't meant for this world. Now we have fruity pebbles with marshmallows, which is okay I guess. Speaking of S'mores cereals, in 2008 they released Dino S'mores Pebbles, which were neither pebbles nor tasty.
Thanks for reading me review, then reminisce about cereal.