25 Days of Cereal Day 2: Maple Cheerios
Being raised in the 80’s and 90’s, I never had actual maple syrup. It was always Aunt Jemima, Hungary Jack, Log Cabin and of course everyone’s favorite Mrs. Butter-Worth’s. Back when she used to be an amber glass bottle with a screw top that would get so gunked up. No wonder we were so quick to grab and chug a bottle of liquor! We weren’t talking to the bottle because we were drunk, we were talking to it because it reminded us of our old friend Mrs. Butter-Worth (and we were drunk).
Is there a Mr Butter-Worth?
Now onto the cereal! We’re only on day 2 and we already have a cereal that knocks it out of the park! Maple Cheerios are good, REALLY GOOD. I really got into the spring edition Strawberry Cheerios that they released they last few years, and the maple is another fine addition to the line. There are two other flavor variants you might see in the next 23 days (not banana nut, as I’m allergic to bananas).
These look pretty much like standard cheerios, maybe a little darker from the “real maple syrup” they used. After opening the bag and taking a smell, you definitely get a good maple syrup smell. I was excited for these as soon as I got to smell them.
I poured a bowl and was blown away by how good they are. You get that unmistakeable Cheerios taste with a good taste of maple syrup. If you’re a fan of Waffle Crips or French Toast Crunch and want something less sweet, this is your cereal. Maple Syrup Cheerios are just the right amount of sweet. The bowl went down easily and I was really tempted to pour another one. This is how I felt about Strawberry Cheerios, delicious and just the right about of sweetness.
I’d recommend these to anybody really
I’m giving them 10 out of 10 Lords A’ Leaping
I remember as a kid, being almost as excited for Christmas Eve as I was for Christmas proper. Of course the big day was huge. Santa came, tons of presents, good food, and you get to play with all this new shit all night long. Christmas Eve was great for a different reason. I got to sleep in, watch Christmas cartoons all day, maybe some good Christmas movies. We got church out of the way, then would go to my grandparents where we would eat tons of good food, get to drink soda, and get a shit load of presents. Now mind you with family there is always the threat of getting clothing (YUK) but also the possibility of some cool toys and definitely an NES game or two. My brother and I got Rad Racer and Wrestlemania one year on Christmas Eve. We were at my uncle and aunts that year and our older cousins had an NES stashed away in their basement (one of those early models that came with R.O.B.). We immediately dropped everything and went down to hook up the Nintendo. BEFORE we could do any of this on Christmas Eve, there was usually a special breakfast involved. I mentioned we never had real maple syrup, but we also never had real pancakes or waffles. They always came out of a box in the freezer. On Christmas Eve however, my mom would make us these big ole Belgian Waffles, our of a box from the freezer, but still!
What are some of your Christmas/Christmas Eve breakfast memories? Have you given Maple Cheerios a try? What other cereal should I review? Sound off in the comments below!